Pro-Smoke Gallon
Pro-Smoke works by micro-encapsulation and is not an odor mask or covering agent. Simply speaking, this product "coats" or "encapsulates" foul-smelling matter, seals the contamination and keeps the odor molecules from entering our airspace. It effectively neutralizes odors in carpets, fabrics, cars, boats, bathrooms, kitchens, garbage bins, dumpsters, etc. Keep out of the reach of children! Always wear respiratory protection when fogging this product to prevent overexposure. This product is non- flammable and cannot support combustion at any temperature. This product may be harmful if swallowed. If swallowed, contact physician immediately. For skin or eye contact, flush area with clear water for 15 minutes. For eye contact, consult physician immediately. Appearance: clear liquid Spring Fresh odor. Specific gravity: 0.980. pH: 6.5 to 7.5. Detergency: excellent.
Can be used in a fogger
True odor eliminator, not just a masking agent
Works great on smoke odors
Economical; can be diluted